Vardas, pavardė
Vytautas Samalavičius
Asistentas, dr.
Nuoroda į išorinius profilius (ORCID, ResearchGate)
Pagrindinės (visos) publikacijos
Paskelbta žurnaluose, turinčiuose įtaką Clarivate Analytics Web of Science duomenų bazėse
- Mokrik, R. and Samalavičius, V.: Interpretation of the anomalous groundwater chemistry and 234U/238U activity ratio disequilibrium in the northern part of the Baltic region (accepted for publishing), 62(1), Lithuanian Journal of Physics,, 2022.
- Mokrik, R., Samalavičius, V., Bujanauskas, M. and Gregorauskas, M.: Environmental isotopes and noble gas ages of the deep groundwater with coupled flow modelling in the Baltic artesian basin, Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 61(1), 53–65,, 2021.
- Raidla, V., Pärn, J., Aeschbach, W., Czuppon, G., Ivask, J., Kiisk, M., Mokrik, R., Samalavičius, V., Suursoo, S., Tarros, S. and Weissbach, T.: Intrusion of Saline Water into a Coastal Aquifer Containing Palaeogroundwater in the Viimsi Peninsula in Estonia, Geosciences, 47(9),, 2019.
- Vaikmäe R., Martma T., Ivask J., Kaup E., Raidla V., Rajamäe R., Vallner L., Mokrik R., Samalavičius V., Kalvāns A., A. Babre, A. Marandi, O. Hints, J. Pärn, Baltic groundwater isotope-geochemistry database,, 2020
- Gregorauskas, M., Kaušinis, K., Bujanauskas, M., Samalavičius, V. and Mokrik, R.: Cenomanio-apatinės kreidos sluoksnio požeminio vandens išteklių ir hidrocheminių anomalijų modelinis įvertinimas, Geologija. Geografija, 3(2),, 2017.
- Mokrik, R., Samalavičius, V., Gregorauskas, M., Maseliene-Jakimaviciute, V., Arustiene, V.: “Integrated studies of crustal permeability based on environmental isotopes, noble gas data, and shallow-deep groundwater flow and mass transport modeling in the surrounding area of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)”// Chapter in “Use of Isotope Hydrology to Characterize Groundwater Systems in the Vicinity of Nuclear Power Plants. Results of a Coordinated Research Project F33022, 2016-2020, Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - Chornobyl (Kiev region) and International Atomic Energy Agency - Vienna (Austria): 2022. – 200 p. ISBN 978-966-02-9876-7. (Accepted for publishing)
- Principal Investigator of Lithuania Team in international project EAGER: IMPRESS-U: Groundwater Resilience Assessment through Integrated Data Exploration for Ukraine (GRANDE-U) 2024-2026. This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No S-IMPRESSU-24-3.
- National Expert in project MIKAS Most Important Karst Aquifer’s Springs 2022-2024
- Participation in the Coordinated Research Project (CPR) F33022 within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 2016-2020, intended for Lithuania: “Integrated studies of crustal permeability based on environmental isotopes, noble gas data, and shallow-deep groundwater flow and mass transport modeling in the surrounding area of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)”.