Dr. Giedrė Godienė
Assistant professor (part time)
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Landscape geography and landscape architecture, urban geography and urban planning, territorial planning, urban green spaces, landscape policy, public involvement in decision-making.
Key words:
Landscape, landscape policy, landscape aesthetics, European landscape convention, cultural landscapes, urban green spaces, green infrastructure
Teaching Courses
Geographical Communication for geography bachelor students;
The law of Land management (together with dr. S. Šabanovas course Methodology of land management and legislative basis) for geography master students.
Supervision of Students' Thesis
Heads the 3 year scientific reports and bachelor thesis of geography students.
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
A member of national expert group on National Landscape policy amendment (Ministry of Environment of LR) and member of Landscape and Protected areas sectorial group of the Process of National Forest agreement (Ministry of Environment of LR)
2022 Expertise on landscape impact assessment of the offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea. Client: UAB Corpi (Coastal Research and Planning Institute) and Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania
2022 Expert consultations and trainings on visual landscape monitoring of the Curonian Spit National Park. The client : Directorate of the Curonian Spit National Park
2021-2022 Expert services for non-governmental organization of the Protected Areas and Landscape Group of the National Forest Agreement: formulation of joint negotiating positions. Client: national NGO Aplinkosaugos koalicija
2022 Moderation of the inter-institutional stakeholdrs meeting regarding the Forest management scheme of the Šimoniu forest.
2021 Urban park along Šilutė pl. from Smiltelė st. to Jūrininkai Ave. Review of tender conditions and tender proposals, Client Klaipėda City Municipality
2021 Expert analysis of the implementation of the recommendations of the European Landscape Convention in Lithuania. Client: the Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
2021 International Seminar "World Heritage in Lithuania. Towards effective management" organization, moderation of international creative workshops on the topic of preparation of management plans for World Heritage sites. Client: Secretariat of the National UNESCO Commission
2021 Landscape consultant for the major exhibition "Kaunas-Vilnius: topple the mountains". Client: the MO Museum
2018 Environment impact assessment for landscape on Graužiniai sand and gravel deposit exploitation in Vilkaviškis district. Client: UAB "Infraplanas"
Science popularization
A member of organisational committees of the annual National geographical conference “Geography: science and education” (Vilnius university, Lithuanian geographical society since 2019).
A member of organisational committee of National school geography competition of prof. Č. Kudaba since 2019;
Vice President of Lithuanian Geographical Society (3 global meetings (IGU, EUGEO) per year) 2014-2022;
National coordinator of international platform of geographical events “Geography night” since 2019;
Citizens science and participatory interactive mapping activities of national scale:
2020 "Geographical
window" : https://geografudraugija.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=6a5f7ca787374355a54e5c88932ae032&fbclid=IwAR0t0AbC4O-J84kXlWTdW61OhZ4QgtMnEVr3oQIwYSBzgfwwGUGYaY4-RTg
2021 “Lithuania - Land of the Nemunas river 2020-04-09”
Tutor and curator of Young Geographers School;
Citizens science and participatory interactive Geographical activity “Lithuania - Land of the Nemunas river 2020-04-09” https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/0df70cd02ea54118a1eb52a81fc1bfa1/?fbclid=IwAR3TdCzGPB5REeuXsr4oSwccpBpzaXjH7a8WvW1Beti7qp6UAa5ZFxnDIcs
5-10 popular media publications and media posts every year
20 interviews, radio and TV broadcasts in 2018-2023
5-10 public lectures every year
2-5 excursions for public every year